At the bottom of each setlist there is a “Download” button (can also be accessed from the setlist history window).
This opens a modal with multiple functionalities regarding the selected setlist.
Opens the export view (more in the next section)
Exports the setlist data into an Excel file, if the user requires it.
Generates a QR code, which can be scanned with the Setlistory Crew app, which is currently in development.
Opens the setlist in the Setlistory Lyrics app, also in development.
ORGANIZATION (Sazas, Gema, …)
This option is available only if the “Organization” option is selected in the “Account” tab inside Setlistory. When clicked, it opens a new modal with the options to export the current setlist into formats, required by the selected performing rights organization (Word, XML, JSON, …). You can download the selected format, or send it directly as an attachment in the email to your event organizer.
In development. When user is granted this access, the app calculates the profit gained from the gig. The actual profit is entered, all the expenses are added, then the app automatically calculates how much each member of the group gets payed, based on the percentages they are granted (see the info about this in the Account documentation).